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We are working on a game right now and we are in a look for a talented dev, if you are up to join any game right now id like to share some of our current concept art/models with you ! Cannot send much here though, what's your discord ?

Super hra,

Super hra, vtipná,zábavná,posmešná, dá sa na nej zasmiat ,komická ,žartovná, humorná,rehotná. Doporučujem pre všetkých ludi ktorý majú 15min volný čas a nemajú čo robit. Zaujímavý koniec,(spoiler) hlavná postava tragicky zomrie). Osobne mi tam chýba Atómová bomba ktorou by som mohol zabit minimálne 15 čienych malých biedakov.

Simple gameplay and graphics. The SFX was good. Although smashing objects on the table didn't work for me. Good job anyway!

Damn, the forging is like the most interesting thing in the game :( Thanks for giving it a shot though!


No me carga :